“Good tradesmen, it is said, are only as good as their tools: and to look at a well-kept set of tools for any trade is to know something of the person.”
Therefore, a good trades person and anyone else interested in efficiency and good workmanship, always had the necessary tools for the job. I began my apprenticeship as a traditional sign writer in South Melbourne at the young age of 15 years, completing my apprenticeship of 5 years with the master Frank Kingman.
In those days if a person showed any aptitude for a craft it was relatively easy to become apprenticed to a Master Tradesman. Achieving the skill to execute a perfect letter style drawn by hand or computer using only, hands, paint, brushes, a mahl stick and chalk does not happen over night. It takes years of arduous apprenticeship to be a successful sign writer and gold leaf gilder.
From classic Roman lettering and elegant Scripts to new 'Urban' concepts, a great hand painted sign from my brush will richly reward and enhance your investment. Old skool traditional sign writing has, and always will require bespoke techniques using the traditional methods of hand lettering.
Elegance & Eccentricity
Imperfectly Perfect
I enjoy my trade, it enables me to meet and work with many skilled Artisans.
Ray Pedersen
Traditional Old Skool Bespoke Signwriter